Library Grants


Over the last 13 years, the Kansas Book Festival has accepted grant applications from needy Kansas public and school libraries, either for books or reading-related technology, and we are open again for applications, with a deadline of April 11, 2025.  The Festival typically awards at least two grants of no more than $2000 for book acquisition.  The Festival also awards at least one grant of no more than $2500 for the purchase of technology that is reading-related. In total, the festival has granted $114,000 over 13 years.

In 2025, our grant application period is from March 1 to April 11. A digital copy of the application should be sent by email no later than the April 11 deadline, to our grant coordinator Beth Dobler (  This file can be in the form of a Word Document or PDF, but no faxed or mailed applications will be accepted.

NOTE:  Special consideration is given to those with greater financial need, and a library cannot win a KBF grant in consecutive years. Requests may be funded only in part.  Also, a progress report, including an accounting of funds, is expected by December 31 of the grant year.

Here are the two necessary grant forms:

Library Grant Application-books-2025

Library Grant Application-tech-2025

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