Kansas’ very own Topeka Shawnee County Public Library!

Not only has Kansas been recognized for having the 2013 Librarian of the Year in our State Librarian Jo Budler but now Kansas has gained national attention again by having our very own TSCPL chosen as the 2016 Library of the Year. There were more than 9,000 libraries eligible to win this award and it is no surprise to us that our friends over at the TSCPL were chosen.
Libraries work hard every day to serve their patrons but they don’t just supply them with the latest reading material. Libraries are remaining relevant across the world by assisting their patrons in many different ways: providing Internet access so that they can find and apply for jobs, providing enriching and educational activities for even the youngest readers in an effort to get them excited about reading and learning and So. Much. More! The library really strives to help people better their lives and there are a million success stories to prove that they’re doing just that.
Thank you to ALL of our Kansas libraries and their staff for going above and beyond to make a difference in each of their respective communities and a HUGE congratulations to the TSCPL for this honor.